Areté came to us as a science and technology company on the brink of growth. They’d completely reorganized the company across its seven locations, rebranded (with Sutter Group’s help), had many significant defense contracts, and were expanding into the commercial realm. Areté’s website no longer reflected the direction in which the company was headed. The company needed a website developed quickly. Plus, the company needed to especially appeal to top graduates (among other potential new hires) from schools such as MIT, Stanford, and the University of Southern California, as well as Congressional staffers who were interested in the company’s leading-edge technology systems.
Sutter Group remapped the website completely – www.arete.com – with an eye to a strong visual component that appealed to a diverse range of potential hires. As we worked on the remapping, we visited virtually all of Areté’s locations to add to our visual assets, photographs and videos, of people at work as well as the technologies themselves. We added search engine optimization, internal and external links, and made it easy for their three primary audiences (new hires, defense contractors, U.S. government agencies, and commercial entities) to find the information they each need, all in clear, understandable language.